Regardless of endless debates, the Information Revolution is almost
certain to raise profound spiritual issues. The relentless growth of IT
seems destined to mature into human-like forms of computer
intelligence, as Ray Kurzweil and many others forecast. In a decade or
two when broadband networks circle the globe, when computational power
has increased another million-fold, when hunching over a keyboard is
replaced by talking to life-sized images on intelligent wall monitors
– these far more sophisticated systems will behave with as
much intelligence as people, raising profound questions about human
And this may be a mere hint of the turbulence that the Information
Revolution will leave in its wake. As I have argued elsewhere,
knowledge is rather mysterious because it increases infinitely, and so
this unlimited power incurs equally unlimited dilemmas that transcend
knowledge: finding our way through this endless overflow of
information, struggling to protect a fragile society from the failures
of computer systems, searching for the wisdom to make difficult choices
posed by these awesome new powers, figuring out who we are and what we
really want, and instilling purpose and meaning in our short lives. We
can’t possibly understand what turmoil lies ahead, but a wave
of such challenges seems likely at the personal, social, and global
One of the greatest challenges is to help people manage their
increasingly complex lives. Spirituality may allow us to feel good and
experience divine bliss, but it’s essential function is to
provide insight, social cohesion, and the moral will needed to make
tough personal choices. The evidence summarized above shows that we can
guide the course of our lives more skillfully through prayer,
meditation, therapeutic drugs like Prozac, Yoga and exercise, and an
expanding range of other spiritual practices, including electronic
devices that alter brain waves. Think of "technologies of
consciousness" – spirit-shaping interventions for mastering
our inner life.
This growing ability to gain control over our inner lives is urgently
needed. Many claim the biggest problems today -- crime, drug abuse,
sexual promiscuity, conflict, etc. – stem from the stress of
hectic change, an irresponsible culture of self-interest, rampant
consumerism, and other failures of spirit. The columnist, William
Raspberry, notes “A growing sense that America’s
major failings are not political or economic but moral. The most
successful social programs are those that are driven by moral or
religious values.”
Allow me to illustrate the illusive way such problems can be resolved
by describing a recent experience that affected me profoundly. Although
my life would be considered a success by most standards, for many years
I’ve agonized, prayed, meditated, and used everything else I
could lay hands on to resolve nagging doubts about my work and tensions
in my family.
I was in Amsterdam on business recently, and I was surprised to find
that this visit brought clarity to my confusion. I can’t
really explain why this happened, but it has something to do with being
in a civilized, modern society that has mastered the art of living with
comfort, style, and meaning. Few cities can compare with the beauty and
charm of Amsterdam, with its graceful canals and streets. Cell phones
and PCs are used everywhere, but inconspicuously blend into the
background. And a joyous celebration of life is manifested in great art
and fine restaurants, as well as tolerance for a wide diversity of
This visit culminated after I had completed my presentation to a large
international group and went out to celebrate. There was something
about being in Amsterdam that night that pulled the loose strands in my
psyche together and tied them into a brightly colored bow. At one point
I found myself seated at a sidewalk café where a mime had 30
or so patrons like me falling out of our chairs with laughter as he
engaged passersby with his delightful antics. Events like this helped
clear the sludge from my soul. I grasped the significance of the work I
had labored over for decades. I found a loving place in my relationship
with my family. It was liberating, glorious.
The initial excitement has faded a bit since then, but the great value
of this precious gift remains clear and enduring. The interesting thing
is that I don’t understand why or how it happened. Perhaps
that’s the essential meaning of this experience. We may
struggle to solve the problems facing us, search for personal
understanding, and appeal to higher powers – but the
resolution of life’s dilemmas seems to arrive in its own
mysterious way, in its own time and place. That does not mean our
efforts are meaningless. As the union of human and universal spirit
implies, our actions are contributions to a far greater process than we
can comprehend.
At the social level, the rise of spirituality could transform business,
government, medicine, and other institutions. Current protests over
global capitalism are likely to grow, pressuring corporations to
broaden their mission to include the public welfare; will progressive
CEOs summon the moral vision to create a collaborative form of business
that better serves both economic and social interests? Modern
governments increasingly struggle with unusual problems that resist
normal solutions -- persistent pockets of poverty, environmental decay,
conflicts between ethnic groups, etc; can politicians move beyond
bureaucracy to help people find the courage and resources needed to
form viable communities? And as health care tries to apply a growing
arsenal of high-tech medicine to soaring numbers of overwhelmed people
with limited success, will practitioners be forced to unify the
treatment of body, mind, and soul?
The biggest challenge is presented at the global level. Globalization
is tearing at the social fabric of nations, while industrialization of
the developing world is increasing the load on the environment by a
factor of 5 or more. Managing this fractious global order of 10 billion
people demanding modern lifestyles will require a fundamental leap in
our collective consciousness -- or the occasional collapse of an
ecosystem and its human population will serve to prod us along.
Life seems to be evolving as it should because the same spirit driving
these diverse crises is also driving the promising trends we saw
earlier. Results of my GW Forecast show the Information Age will be
fully developed by about 2020, and so I estimate that the crossover
point to a Spiritual Age will occur at about 2010 +/- 5 years. It may
be called something else, such as a “Crisis of
Maturity” or an “Age of Wisdom,” but
it’s coming. The great historian Toynbee observed a long-term
trend toward the "increasing etherealization of life."
This approaching frontier will hardly be Utopian because spirituality
is easily misused, like anything else. Religious and political zealots,
for instances, have always forced civilization through endless wars,
ideological conflict, and other forms of mischief. And many will remain
intent on self-destructive fantasies of sexual gratification, drug
abuse, and gratuitous violence. It may even be that the future will pit
more intense moral differences against one another, creating
biblical-like battles between good and evil.
Spirit is not necessarily “goodness,” therefore,
but a higher state of being that can take almost any form. This
revolution is not going to be easy, pious, or universal. But the great
challenge now facing civilization is to accept this mysterious power
and use it to guide our complex lives more carefully and with greater
meaning. This humble but all-important task, I submit, will constitute
the great new frontier beyond the Information Age. The Information Age
provides unbounded knowledge, but the coming Spiritual Age promises
values, wisdom, meaning, purpose, beliefs, vision, and other
intangibles we use to organize knowledge, much the way an information
architecture organizes the data in a computer system..
Transformations of this type abound today, but we simply do not
recognize them because the concept of spirit remains somewhat taboo.
The president of the United States himself, George W. Bush, is the
product of a spiritual transformation, and many claim the former
president, Bill Clinton, has been forced to change as well. A historic
shift in ecological consciousness has appeared in the past decade, such
that 90 percent of people around the world now want to protect the
environment at all costs. Russia’s collective soul went
through a massive upheaval when Marxist beliefs were overthrown for
free markets and democracy. And what about the abrupt change in
perspective caused by the puncturing of the bubble?
Such cases make it clear that sudden changes in highly abstract beliefs
can dramatically alter our basic assumptions, logic, and values. In
short, spirit can change the entire structure of human cognition
because it transcends knowledge – rather like installing a
new operating system in your computer. Spirit gives knowledge meaning
and purpose by defining what we choose to do, thereby heightening the
significance of our acts. By clarifying these limits to knowledge,
ironically, the great unforeseen consequence of the Information Age